Purpose-driven Companies, Prosperous Cities

Building a network of Dedicated Impact and Sustainability Corridors (DISC) in cities to attract, accelerate, and advance purpose-driven companies, for delivering strong economic growth

How we work?

Working with city to identify ways to launch a Dedicated Economic Corridor


We invite public and private partners seeking economic growth for their city by attracting purpose-driven companies

Working with public and private partners to provide services and resources to businesses


We select experienced, credible and committed partners to initiate a DISC from their city

Leading the construction of Dedicated Economic Corridors


We develop tailored services and resources with partners through the DISC for purpose-driven companies

Helping purpose-driven and impact and sustainability focused companies thrive


We lead the DISC to fund, grow and help purpose-driven companies succeed in and from the city

4 Ways Purpose-Driven Companies Benefit Your City

  • Purpose-driven companies achieved 10-year annualized total shareholder returns of 9.85% compared to 6.71% for peer companies that did not prioritize purpose.

  • Companies with a strong sense of purpose demonstrate exceptional workforce stability:

    • 40% higher employee retention rates

    • 50% lower turnover rates

    • 82% of employees live within 50 miles of their workplace

    • 63% higher survival rate during economic downturns compared to similar-sized businesses

  • Purpose-driven brands show remarkable growth trajectories, with their brand value increasing by 175% over 12 years, significantly outperforming the median growth rate of 86% for brands with a low sense of purpose.

  • Purpose-driven companies make substantial local investments:

    • Reinvest an average of 54% of profits back into their local communities

    • Help reduce neighborhood crime rates by 10-15% over five-year periods

Sources: Harvard Business Review, Deloitte, Initiative for a Competitive Inner City, Kantar, Great Place to Work, Morgan Stanley, B Lab, American Independent Business Alliance

Impact, sustainability business district

Upcoming Projects

DISC Texas

Global Sustainable Action Alliance is announcing plans to establish the world's first DISC for purpose-driven enterprises in the Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington metroplex.

DISC Texas will provide comprehensive support services, access to funding and infrastructure for purpose-driven companies to establish, scale, and thrive in and from Texas.

More details will be announced soon.

Business district for impact and sustainability
Future sustainability district

Upcoming Events

"Transforming Impact Leading Tomorrow, Dallas 2025."

April 21, 2025

Dallas, Texas

Transforming Impact, Leading Tomorrow (TILT) - Where economic opportunity meets action.

A dynamic gathering of investors, innovators, policy makers and business leaders to address sustainable development in the Global South through strategic partnerships and investment deep in the heart of Texas.

Click on the RSVP button for the agenda and the registration process.

Contact Us

Let’s work together to bring economic prosperity to your city